
gdas.readGNOME. getDataInRange ( station , startTime , endTime , sortTime = True , convert = True , path = './' , dataCh = 'MagneticFields' , saneCh = 'SanityChannel' , verbose = False ) [source]

Get list of data in time range. Time range uses the start time listed in the ‘hdf5’ file name.

station: str

Name of station.

startTime: float (unix time), str

Earliest time. String formatted as ‘yyyy-mm-dd-HH-MM-SS’ (omitted values defaulted as 0)

endTime: float (unix time), str

Last time. Format same as startTime

sortTime: bool (default: True)

Actively sort output by start time (using data in file)

convert: boolean (default: True)

Whether to use conversion function from file.

path: str (default ‘./’)

Location of files

dataCh: string (default “MagneticFields”)

Name of data channel.

saneCh: string (default “SanityChannel”)

Name of sanity channel.

verbose: bool (default False)

Verbose output

returns (data, sanity, fileList). Data and sanity are astropy TimeSeriesList

Note: must evaluate values in ‘sanity’ (e.g., using ‘value’ attribute) to

get boolean

Note: use, e.g., dataTSL.join(pad=float(‘nan’),gap=’pad’) to combine TimeSeriesList into single Time series.