

The program requires the following general packages to run: Numpy , Matplotlib , Scipy and Astropy . The following LIGO-related packages are also required for full functionality: GWpy , PyCBC , Glue , LAL , LALburst and LALsimulation .

GWpy and PyCBC

Both GWpy and PyCBC pacakges can easily be installed via the pip package manager as follows:

sudo pip install gwpy
sudo pip install pycbc

LALsuite repository


The remaining of the LIGO-related packages are part of the LALsuite which can be installed straightforwardly from the LALsuite Github repository as follows:

  1. Clone the repository on your computer:

    git clone
  2. Configure and compile the entire software suite:

    ./configure --enable-swig-python --prefix=/where/to/install
    make -j install


    In case the configure step doesn’t work, e.g. ./configure failed for lalframe error message, the installation of the following tools could fix it (shared by Xiang Zhang using Linux apt-get package manager):

    1. Install the FFTW library : sudo apt-get install fftw*

    2. Install the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) : sudo apt-get install gsl*

    3. Download and install the Common Data Frame Format Library

    4. Install the SWIG software development tool : sudo apt-get install swig

    5. Download and install the metaio library

    6. Install the libXML2 XML C parser and toolkit : sudo apt-get install libxml2*

    7. Clone and install the GLib application

    8. Install the HDF5 library : sudo apt-get install libhdf5*

  3. Pick up the environment by adding the following to your .profile:

    source /where/to/install/etc/
    source /where/to/install/etc/
  4. Both glue and pylal packages can then be installed and brought into the environment:

    cd glue/
    python install --prefix=/where/to/install/
    source /where/to/install/etc/
    cd pylal/
    python install --prefix=/where/to/install/
    source /where/to/install/etc/

Note that the sourcing has to take place in that order and should be done each time the user wants to obtain the environment.



The LALsuite released code might be mangled or incomplete. Not recommend to install.

If a Mac user still decides to install the LALsuite via Macports, this can be done pretty easily. Detailed information can be found on this page . The MacPorts package manager needs to be installed on your machine. The following commands should suffice to install the LALsuite package on your machine:

sudo port install lscsoft-deps
sudo port install glue
sudo port install lalapps

The first command will install all the dependencies needed for the LIGO software to be installed. The following 2 commands will install the actual packages.



The LALsuite released code might be mangled or incomplete. Not recommend to install.

Since the LIGO software is not a default package in the apt package manager system on Debian machine, additional steps will be needed. The following is extracted from the LALSuite Installation page . The first step is to add the following links to the source list located at /etc/apt/sources.list :

deb [arch=amd64] jessie contrib
deb-src [arch=amd64] jessie contrib

Note that the [arch=amd64] is needed to fix the architecture problem in case it tries to install i386 version on 64-bit Debian. Once the sources have been added, you must first install all the dependencies as follows:

apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf libtool devscripts

The LIGO software can finally be installed using the following command:

apt-get install lscsoft-all

GDAS installation

The GNOME Data Analysis Software can be installed very easily using the pip package manager as follows:

sudo pip install gdas

This method allows for easy uninstallation. You can also simply download the tarball from the PyPI webpage , unpack it and then do:

sudo python install

If you wish to install a specific version of the software, you can either download the tarball version from this page or type the following:

sudo pip install gdas==0.4.0