Source code for gdas.retrieve

# Copyright (c) 2019, GNOME Collaboration.
# Produced at the University of California
# Written by V. Dumont (
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of GDAS.
# For details, see
# For details about use and distribution, please read GDAS/LICENSE.
import sys
import os,glob,h5py,astropy,numpy,scipy,pycbc
from astropy.time    import Time
from datetime        import datetime,timedelta
from gwpy.segments   import DataQualityDict,DataQualityFlag
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries,TimeSeriesList
from ligo.segments   import segment,segmentlist

[docs]def impulse_data(epoch=1153742417.0,sample_rate=512,psd_segment_length=60): """ Create fake time series data. The flux data is generated using a random Gaussian distribution. Parameters ---------- sample_rate : int Sampling rate of fake data psd_segment_length : int Length of each segment in seconds """ ts_data = numpy.zeros(sample_rate * psd_segment_length) ts_data = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(ts_data, delta_t=1.0/sample_rate, epoch=epoch) return ts_data
[docs]def fake_data(epoch=1153742417.0,sample_rate=512,psd_segment_length=60,nsegs=16): """ Create fake time series data. The flux data is generated using a random Gaussian distribution. Parameters ---------- sample_rate : int Sampling rate of fake data psd_segment_length : int Length of each segment in seconds nsegs : int Number of segments present in time series """ ts_data = numpy.random.normal(0,1,sample_rate*psd_segment_length*nsegs) ts_data = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(ts_data,delta_t=1.0/sample_rate,epoch=epoch) return ts_data
[docs]def get_data(station,start_time,end_time,rep='/GNOMEDrive/gnome/serverdata/', resample=None,activity=False,unit='V',output='all',segtxt=False, channel='MagneticFields'): """ Glob all files withing user-defined period and extract data. Parameters ---------- station : str Name of the station to be analysed start_time : int GPS timestamp of the first required magnetic field data end_time : int GPS timestamp of the last required magnetic field data rep : str Data repository. Default is the GNOME server repository. resample : int New sampling rate activity : bool Output the activity of data unit : str Output unit format (V for voltage, pT for magnetic field) output : str Output data to be extracted. If output is equal to 'ts', only the time series will be given. Returns ------- ts_data : pycbc.types.TimeSeries Time series data for selected time period. ts_list : dictionary List of time series. activity : gwpy.segments.DataQualityDict List all the segment of data retrieved t0 : astropy.time.Time First timestamp t1 : astropy.time.Time Last timestamp """ if start_time==None or end_time==None: print("ERROR: No start or end date given...") quit() # Define data attribute to be extracted from HDF5 files setname = channel dstr = ['%Y','%m','%d','%H','%M','%S','%f'] dsplit = '-'.join(dstr[:start_time.count('-')+1]) start = datetime.strptime(start_time,dsplit) dsplit = '-'.join(dstr[:end_time.count('-')+1]) end = datetime.strptime(end_time,dsplit) dataset = [] for date in numpy.arange(start,end,timedelta(minutes=1)): date = date.astype(datetime) path1 = rep+station+'/'+date.strftime("%Y/%m/%d/") path2 = station+'_'+date.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M*.hdf5") fullpath = os.path.join(path1,path2) dataset += glob.glob(fullpath) if len(dataset)==0: print("ERROR: No data files were found...") quit() file_order,data_order = {},{} for fname in dataset: hfile = h5py.File(fname, "r") # Extract all atributes from the data attrs = hfile[setname].attrs # Define each attribute dstr, t0, t1 = attrs["Date"], attrs["t0"], attrs["t1"] # Construct GPS starting time from data start_utc = construct_utc_from_metadata(dstr, t0) # Construct GPS ending time from data end_utc = construct_utc_from_metadata(dstr, t1) # Represent the range of times in the semi-open interval segfile = segment(start_utc,end_utc) file_order[segfile] = fname data_order[segfile] = hfile # Create list of time series from every segment ts_list = TimeSeriesList() for seg in sorted(file_order): hfile = h5py.File(file_order[seg], "r") dset = hfile[setname] sample_rate = dset.attrs["SamplingRate(Hz)"] gps_epoch = construct_utc_from_metadata(dset.attrs["Date"], dset.attrs["t0"]) data = dset[:] if unit=='pT': data = eval(dset.attrs['MagFieldEq'].replace('MagneticFields','data').replace('[pT]','')) ts_data = TimeSeries(data, sample_rate=sample_rate, epoch=gps_epoch) ts_list.append(ts_data) hfile.close() # Generate an ASCII representation of the GPS timestamped segments of time covered by the input data seglist = segmentlist(data_order.keys()) # Sort the segment list seglist.sort() # Initialise dictionary for segment information activity = DataQualityDict() if segtxt: # Save time span for each segment in ASCII file with open("segments.txt", "w") as fout: for seg in seglist: print(fout, "%10.9f %10.9f" % seg) # FIXME: Active should be masked from the sanity channel activity[station] = DataQualityFlag(station,active=seglist.coalesce(),known=seglist.coalesce()) # Generate an ASCII representation of the GPS timestamped segments of time covered by the input data seglist = segmentlist(data_order.keys()) # Sort the segment list seglist.sort() # Retrieve channel data for all the segments if unit=='V': full_data = numpy.hstack([data_order[seg][setname][:] for seg in seglist]) if unit=='pT': full_data = [] for seg in seglist: dset = data_order[seg][setname] data = dset[:] data = eval(dset.attrs['MagFieldEq'].replace('MagneticFields','data').replace('[pT]','')) full_data = numpy.hstack((full_data,data)) for v in data_order.values(): v.close() new_sample_rate = float(sample_rate) if resample==None else float(resample) new_data_length = len(full_data)*new_sample_rate/float(sample_rate) full_data = scipy.signal.resample(full_data,int(new_data_length)) # Models a time series consisting of uniformly sampled scalar values ts_data = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(full_data,delta_t=1./new_sample_rate,epoch=seglist[0][0]) if output=='ts': return ts_data t0,t1 = time_convert(start_time,end_time) return ts_data,ts_list,activity,t0,t1
[docs]def time_convert(*times): ''' Convert string dates into UTC timestamps. Parameters ---------- times : str List of times Returns ------- t0 : astropy.time.Time First timestamp ''' time_list = [] for time in times: dstr = ['%Y','%m','%d','%H','%M','%S','%f'] dsplit = '-'.join(dstr[:time.count('-')+1]) start = datetime.strptime(time,dsplit) time = construct_utc_from_metadata(start.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), start.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")) time_list.append(time) return zip(*[time_list])
[docs]def construct_utc_from_metadata(datestr, t0str): """ Constructing UTC timestamp from metadata. Parameters ---------- datestr : str Date of the extracted data t0str : str GPS time """ instr = "%d-%d-%02dT" % tuple(map(int, datestr.split('/'))) instr += t0str t = astropy.time.Time(instr, format='isot', scale='utc') return t.gps